Digital Detox Day 1 | Digital Minimalism’s 30 Day Challenge

Digital Detox Day 1 | Digital Minimalism’s 30 Day Challenge

For a while now, I noticed that I have been wasting time on social media. I do work with a pomodoro timer to keep myself focused. After a 25 minute work sprint, I take a 5 minute break. I whip out my phone and tap on the Instagram icon.

20 mins later, I find myself mindlessly staring at cat videos yet again.

Recently, my sister told me that her husband has been reading this book, Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. Being aware of my social media addiction, I decided to read the book and see if it can help me reduce my time on social media.

After reading it, I decided to embark on a 30-day digital minimalism challenge. The goal isn't complete abstinence, but rather a chance to reset my relationship with technology and establish a set of "operating procedures" (as Newport calls them) for more mindful use.

Phase 1: Reviewing my activities

The first step involved quantifying the issue and figure out where my time was evaporating to. The Screen Time app provided a sobering reality check.

Phase 2: What activities can I cull?

Next, I had to identify the culprits. What apps could I realistically cut? Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, and Netflix were low-hanging fruits.

Interestingly, Instagram, YouTube and Reddit got a reprieve. Both serve a professional purpose (managing work accounts on Instagram) and offer educational benefits (Reddit & YouTube), but the problem lies in their recommendations that can easily morph into an hour-long social media black hole.

Phase 3: Building Boundaries

Since complete deletion wasn't an option for YT, Reddit & IG, I needed to explore alternative strategies. Enter app and site blockers:

  • StayFree (multi-platform app): Set website & app limits on my phone. Once I hit the time limit, I will not be able use it anymore

StayFocusd (stronger site/app blocker): This is a secondary lock. If I'm truly determined to bypass a block, I'm presented with a 400-word typing challenge. I’ve tried it and it’s so difficult to pass. A single typo resets the entire challenge. 🤮

Unhook (YouTube): Eliminates recommended videos, comments and other distracting elements on YouTube.

Bye distractions.

News Feed Eradicator (Chrome extension): This extension removes the home page screen from all social media sites.

Such a simple and elegant solution!

Output: Standard Operating Procedures

After writing my SOP, I ended up with a list on Notes app detailing what I can do & cannot do.

Phase 4: Replacing Online with Offline

Newport emphasized the importance of replacing low-quality digital activities with high-quality physical ones. This was where I hit a snag.

My usual "offline" activities often involve screens – reading ebooks on my iPad or catching up on manga on my Macbook.

I thought of several offline leisure activities I can partake in:

  1. Continue my street photography more often (although i still edit my photos using my macbook)
  2. Continue learning language (currently learning Thai)
  3. Pick up a new hobby - possibly drawing
  4. Maybe go for some meetups

What I expect to see after 30 days

The goal of this 30-day challenge is a complete social media overhaul. I aim to move beyond mindless scrolling and establish a more purposeful relationship with these platforms.

Ultimately, I hope to feel less reliant on my phone and more present in the real world.

I'll be checking in weekly to share my progress. I'm eager to see how this journey unfolds.